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Posts tagged "bytten"

Jodi chats with Carine Carmy from Shapeways on fashion, fitness and the inspiration for Bytten

Jodi Slater is no tech novice. She started her career as a programmer, including some work on the original movie Tron, helped design the user interface for the first wireless Palm Pilot, and has since advised countless companies on user experience and new media.

The very talented Slater is now turning her attention to her fitness tracker, an accessory that she feels could use a facelift. Her new adventure, Bytten, sits at the intersection of fashion and technology and includes a line of beautiful 3D printed accessories for Jawbone & Fitbit. After reading this Q&A, we advise you to #getbytten.

See more of her conversation on the Shapeways...


Welcome to bytten! We hope to become your new favorite place to discover and shop for products that are defining the future of fashion and fitness. And really what we hope is that by having the ability to rock your Fitbit Flex and Jawbone UP all the time we will be helping you make fitness and health a more present and beautiful part of your life. 

We are still working on a few features (e.g., international shipping for our friends all over the world!), but we heard your cry to #getbytten and we didn't want to make you wait any longer. So, you can shop - on one condition - you need to tell us if you encounter weird stuff. Send us an email to and we will get right on it. 

happy shopping! jodi & team bytten



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